We are a team of people dedicated to worshipping and serving God, supporting Israel, reaching the lost, discipling believers and raising topics and issues that would not generally be taught in modern churches. The Lord gave us scriptures to warn and encourage us. 'Not many of you should become teachers, for you know we teachers will be judged by a higher standard and with greater severity than other people' (James 3:1). 'Tell them all these things. Urge, advise, encourage, warn and rebuke with full authority. Let no one despise you or your teaching' (Titus 2:15). 'The teachers and those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the sky, and those who turn many to righteousness will shine like the stars, forever and ever' (Daniel 12:3). 'Many will purify themselves and make themselves white and be refined. The wicked will not understand but the teachers and those who are wise will understand' (Daniel 12:10). May God bless and encourage everyone who reads any of these texts from the precious Word of God.

The Bible A Book Of Truth
We give permission to anyone who reads the information on this site, to use this material to learn from and to bless others, teach others, download and plagiarise as much as you need to; freely and without charge. All Bible study topics are published in P.D.F. format.


This website was created by Alex Boyd and first published September 2008        Design & Layout Copyright (c) 2008-2024/5768-5784     
Sunday 29th September 2024
26 Elul 5784

Statement Of Faith
The Bible A Book Of Truth web ministry has been created for anyone who wants to learn more about the Bible, which is His God-breathed Word; His 'manual' for our lives (2 Timothy 3:16).
Studies from the Torah and Tenach,
also called the Old Testament

Studies from the B'rit Hadashah,
also called the New Testament
Most recent update:
The Bible
A Book Of Truth

This Website will be closing down in October 2024. Anyone can feel free to extract any information, articles or Bible studies from this site as you wish before it closes down. 'How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the Gospel of Peace, who bring glad tidings of good things … Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God' (Romans 10:15 & 17). Jesus said to go out into the entire world and preach the Gospel to everyone (Mark 16:15) but it is impossible for any one person to preach to everybody, but by giving God's salvation message freely to all, we all have been able to reach hundreds of thousands of individuals. With your collective help we have been able to preach to every country and nation throughout the entire world, so thank you all for carrying this message to your family, friends, neighbours, church, educational facility or to the mission field. We have worked as a team to bring you the truth of the Bible to the best of our ability and knowledge. Due to the difficulties associated with old age, a heart condition, brain cancer and other medical struggles, we now have to bring this work to a close. We want to thank all who read and have used this Website to help take the salvation message to the world. Collectively you would have done a marvellous job. Hopefully we will meet in heaven when the time is right. God bless each and every one of you, wherever you are in the world. Your reward in heaven will be great! 'The Lord said, "Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a few things so I will set you over many things. Enter into the joy of your Lord'" (Matthew 25:21). Jesus said, "Come, blessed of My Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world … Most certainly I tell you, when you did good things to one of the least of these My family, you did good things for Me'" (Matthew 25:34 & 40).    Amen and God bless everyone.
Please Note
This Will Be The Last Article Published On Our Site.